Moving to a new address with a hold?
Here's what to do.
First, thanks for considering us. You can rest assured we’ll do everything we can to help remove the hold from your address as soon as possible.
Sometimes when you move to a new address, it may have a Hold on it from the previous occupant. Holds prevent someone from switching to a new provider without paying their outstanding charges. But if you’re a new occupant and not associated with the previous occupant who has outstanding charges, then you’re not responsible for those charges.
Please send us your completed and signed New Occupant Statement and Proof of Occupancy Document so that we can help remove the hold and continue with your enrollment process.
For residential customers:
Fax: 866-892-3844
For business customers:
Fax: 866-748-4139
These two documents are required to remove the Hold.
- New Occupant Statement and
- Proof of Occupancy Document (a utility bill would be great)
See details below:
New Occupant Statement
This statement affirms you’re a new occupant at the address where you’d like to start electricity service. If you’re associated with the occupant with the Hold, you’ll need to contact the current electricity provider of the address to have the Hold removed. Be sure the form is completed and signed to avoid delays.
Download a copy of the New Occupant Statement
Proof of Occupancy Document
Please provide one of the following documents that include both your name and address.
- Utility bill (water, electric, gas, cable or Internet). It must be in your name and dated within last two months from a different address. We can’t accept bills for cell phone service.
- Signed copy of your lease. If you are moving into a rental property, you may provide a copy of your lease agreement. The lease agreement must contain at least the first and last pages of the lease, but we can accept the entire lease agreement. The address must match the one where you want to start electricity service, and it must have the date and signatures of both the tenant and the landlord/property manager. * Affidavit of Landlord. The Landlord Affidavit is a form completed by the Landlord that affirms they are the landlord for the service address and the new tenant is not associated with the previous occupant for which the Hold was applied. It must be signed, dated, and notarized.
- Closing documents. If you’ve just purchased your home, you may provide a copy of your Closing Statement. The Closing Statement must be dated after the Hold was placed and include the address where you want to start electricity service and both buyer and seller signatures.
- Certificate of occupancy. A Certificate of Occupancy serves as proof that a property has complied with all standards and codes and is now fit for occupancy. It is issued by the City, or the County and each local government has varying qualifications prior to issuing. Certification date on the form must be after the date the Hold was applied to the service address.
Download a copy of the Affidavit of Landlord
Please note, the name on any of the above documents must be the same as on the New Occupancy Statement.
After you’ve emailed or faxed these two completed documents to us with qualifying dates and other required information, TXU Energy will forward the completed documentation and request the Hold be removed so that your Move-In request can be processed. Please allow up to two business days for the status of your Hold to be updated. We will contact you with resolution.
Property Managers with a CSA
If you have an active Continuous Service Agreement with TXU Energy then the process for removing a Hold has become easier. You only need to fill out and return one form. The Continuous Service Agreement Statement replaces using multiple forms and can be downloaded below.
Download a copy of the Continuous Service Agreement Statement - English
Download a copy of the Continuous Service Agreement Statement - Spanish
Property Managers without a CSA
If you do not have a CSA agreement with TXU Energy then you will be required to complete and return a New Occupant Statement along with one of the above documents.
All Property Managers on behalf of a tenant
If one of your tenants has a Hold on their new premise/address, an Affidavit of Landlord can be used in conjunction with the New Occupancy Statement for Hold removal. A sample Affidavit is provided below.
Download a copy of the Affidavit of Landlord
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