Setting up and Managing AutoPay
Simplify your life and have your payments deducted automatically.
- Choose your payment method such as a bank account or credit/debit card.
- Avoid worrying about expiration dates and late fees.
- Change payment preferences or cancel them at any time.
What is Autopay?
AutoPay is a free service that lets you automatically pay your electricity bill each month using your credit or debit card or an electronic transfer (ACH) from your bank.
We will send your electricity bill to you about two weeks before the due date so that you have plenty of time to review it. Then, five days before the due date of your bill, the funds are drafted using the payment option you selected.
Note that if you have an existing balance due on your account, you'll need to make a one-time payment to clear the balance during the enrollment process. You can pay the existing balance using the payment method that you selected for AutoPay or use the one-time payment option of your choice.
It's a great way to simplify your account management!
Sign up for AutoPay through MyAccount.
Don’t have a MyAccount? Create one now.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change the payment method I am using for AutoPay?When you sign into MyAccount, click on the "Edit AutoPay Settings" button found on the Account Summary page. Then, click on the link to either edit your current payment method or add/select a new payment method, making sure to save all changes before you log out. Please note that any changes to your payment method must be made at least seven days before your due date to avoid transactions on your current payment method.
How do I cancel my enrollment in AutoPay?If you no longer want to participate in AutoPay, just edit your AutoPay settings in your MyAccount Profile. Make sure to save the changes you make. Please be aware that you need to cancel AutoPay at least seven days before your due date if you don't want your funds drafted automatically for that month.
What if I'm enrolled in AutoPay and I don't have enough funds available?If you're more than seven days from the due date stated on your bill, contact us so that we can temporarily suspend AutoPay on your account to avoid a returned payment. We can also discuss payment arrangements to meet your needs. If you are within seven days of your due date, contact us immediately by phone at 800-242-9113 to make a one-time payment. TXU Energy reserves the right to discontinue AutoPay if you have two or more returned payments within a 12-month period. If you feel there may be a problem with your payment, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can find a solution that meets your needs.
If I transfer my service, will AutoPay move with my new address?AutoPay will transfer with you IF you are keeping the same account number for your new address. If your account number is going to change, you'll need to set up a new account. Just go to and sign in to MyAccount to set up AutoPay.