Power Up Your Free Hours
How can you make TXU Energy Free Nights® even better? Put your free nights to work with a few simple shifts, like using major appliances during your free hours. It can really add up.
Be a chores champ.
Go ahead, procrastinate doing laundry and dishes. With your free hours, it makes more sense to use appliances like your washer, dryer and dishwasher later on at night.
Set it, don't sweat it.
Set your thermostat to cool and comfy during your free hours. Nearly 40% of your electricity usagecomes from your heating and cooling system, so just imagine how much you could save.
Make it a marathon.
When your free hours kick in, binge-watch your favorite shows or make it a movie night. It’ll be even more memorable since the fun is on the house!
Shower during your free hours.
Scrubbing up later could drive your expenses way down. That’s because water heating uses the most energy in your home after your AC and electric heater.
Wake up to savings.
Night time is a great time to recharge yourself and your devices. Hold off on plugging in your phones, tablets and computers until your free hours.
Power the party.
Don’t blow your party budget on electricity. Host your next gathering during your free hours.
Try a bright idea.
Make your home even more efficient by using motion sensors or a timer on exterior lights.
Cannonball into savings.
Run your pool pump during your free hours. Setting an automatic timer makes for an even bigger splash.This should only take a sec…
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